Book Reviews

Black Swan Rising by Lee Carroll

Garet James is a jeweller with a lot of problems, due to the recession her fathers art gallery has not been able to shift their inventory and a hefty loan is due, with no money to pay it with. On the way back from the lawyers office, a downpour begins and Garet ducks into the first open doorway she can find, an old antique store. The friendly owner offers her inside and she takes a quick look around to see if there is anything she can use in her next creations. However the old man spies her signet ring (the one her mother left her) and shows her a mysterious silver box with the same inscription. He then offers her $1000 if she is able to open the box and bring it back to him the next day. That night she uses her wielding tools to open the box, but accidentally burns the papers inside. She leaves the box out and goes to bed but wakes up soon after as the alarm in the house has tripped. Burglars are inside and she goes downstairs to find their paintings missing and her father shot on the floor. From this point on her life becomes very strange and the ‘ocular migraines’ she’s been getting since she was younger may be due to something else entirely. A whole new world of fey and vampires, dragons and demons is opened up to her, how will she cope?

I really enjoyed reading this book, Garet is a wonderful character and it is nice to see main characters that have some power but are not overly over-powered. I really liked Will as a character as well and the role he plays throughout the book. I also love that you can’t tell which characters to trust and it’s ever changing as to who wants what and what will they be willing to do to get it. I cannot wait to read the second book in the series and am throughly looking forward to finding out more.

If you like paranormal romances or urban fantasy books i’d highly recommend reading this book!

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